Archives - October, 2010

20 Oct 10

Living Conditions

There are lots of dogs and cats here in Hong Kong. Unfortunately they are banned from public housing estates and some private residential blocks, so check that pets are allowed in your flat before you move in. It seems quite strange at first to see a big dog living in a typical small Hong Kong flat, but owners are often quite conscientious and take them out for plenty of walks. Then the dog may be happier than one living in a big house! However, most dogs here are small. Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians,Schnauzers, Miniature Pinschers, Maltese and Shih-Tzus are all popular. Cats usually adapt well to flat life and quickly get used to litter trays. People are becoming much better at picking up their dogs’ stools, with a scooper, or newspaper. Remember “on the spot” fines are now in force to people who do not clean up after their pets in public areas.

Common Ailments

What are the main problems here in Hong Kong? Well, the weather can get pretty hot and humid so skin problems are probably the most common thing we deal with. Fleas, ringworm, mange, allergies and various sorts of eczemas are all popular.

Your dog should already be vaccinated against distemper, parvovirus, leptospirosis and hepatitis. These are included in the normal “6 or 7-in-one” puppy shots. Make sure to get your annual booster as these diseases are common here. A rabies vaccination every 3 years is compulsory, although there have been no cases of rabies in Hong Kong since 1988. Similarly with your cat, get the “cat flu” shots every year, and there is now a good vaccination against feline leukaemia.

“High Rise Syndrome” is what we call the tendancy for cats, which are out on high balconies or window-ledges, to fall off. Anything falling from more than 7 floors up tends to reach terminal velocity, and even when they survive, cats often don’t seem to learn from their experience!

It is important to ensure your dog gets out for enough exercise, as well house-trained dogs, bursting for a pee all the time, can develop cystitis. Similarly, cats who would normally go outside, or with dirty litter trays, can develop cystitis, nephritis and Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD).

Heartworm is fairly common here. This also occurs in North America and Australia but is not common in Western Europe.

Most other problems are very much the same as you would find anywhere else and shouldn’t cause you to worry too much about bringing your pet here.

Other Pets

We see a full range of other pets here. Birds are very popular, especially with the local Chinese who can be seen taking them out in their cages for walks and to meet other enthusiasts. Chinchillas are gaining in popularity and there are a lot of rabbits, hamsters and reptiles. If you have a pet such as a parrot which may be a rare species, and CITES listed, you should contact the Agriculture and Fisheries Department with regard to import and export regulations and restrictions. Certainly it is wise to check the species of any bird you are offered for sale here, and make sure you get a proper receipt, or you may find you are not allowed to export it when you leave.

Local Laws
All dogs need to be vaccinated against rabies to get the complusory license. This will normally be re-done by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department on arrival. (There have been no cases of Rabies in Hong Kong since 1988). Microchipping of all dogs has been introduced. This can be done by your Green Cross Vet.

19 Oct 10

When first choosing a puppy it is important to choose one that appears healthy.  If it is from a pet shop. it should have a proper vet’s vaccination certificate.


It should have no signs of coughing or sneezing, no eye or nose discharge and there should be no signs of hair loss or redness of the skin.  It should be bright alert and playful.  You may be able to ask Green Cross to check the puppy for before you purchase.


Once the puppy has been purchased and introduced to it’s new environment, such as your home, it will be under a great deal of stress.  It will require time to adjust and will require a lot of your time and attention.  Do not wash the puppy at this time as this will cause further stress and increase it’s chances of contracting one of the many transmissible diseases.

可以請獸醫代你檢查牠的健情況.  你買了一隻小狗後,把牠帶到一個新環境,例如住進你的家,小狗通常都會感到很緊張,需要一段時間去適應,也需要你多用時間去陪牠.在這個時期不要替牠洗澡,因為這樣做會令小狗更緊張,而且也會增加牠感染傳染性疾病的機會.

It is important to realize that if the puppy has already contracted a transmissible disease the disease may not appear at the time of your purchase of the pet.  Sometimes the disease may be in a transient state and may only surface a few weeks later.  It is important the the puppy is kept well fed and kept in a comfortable environment to allow the puppies own immune system to develop well.  The puppies immune system is a key factor in avoiding and fighting potentially fatal diseases.




The puppy will be exposed to diseases that are spread in the air, by contract with other dogs and also by contaminants such as saliva and faeces.  The puppy should be confined in your house and kept away from other dogs and away from other areas where other dogs have been.  It should only be released from this confinement once the necessary vaccinations have been given.  This must be done by a qualified veterinarian registered with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conversation Department.



已在香港漁農自然護理署登記,合格獸醫主持.  在香港狗隻常會感染到的疾病有:

Parvovirus 腸炎

Often fatal.  Signs to look for include severe diarrhoea with blood and vomiting.  Especially serious in breeds such as Rottweilers and Dobermanns.  Death can result within 48-72 hours if not treated immediately.  It is transmitted by faeces, indirect faecally contaminated shoes and kennels as well as direct contact.  Puppies from unvaccinated mothers have a higher chance of contracting the disease.





Distemper 狗瘟

A frequently fatal disease spread by inhalation, usually in dogs less than one year old.  Watery/mucoid  discharge from the nose and eyes, vomiting and diarrhoea (sometimes blood).  Later nervous signs can appear such as twitching of muscles and convulsions.



Infectious Canine Hepatitis 傳染性犬肝炎(犬線病毒第一類)

Excreted in saliva, faeces and urine.  Ingestion is the most likely source; may only be general malaise or loss of appetite, fever or sudden collapse, pale gums, corneal oedema “blue eye”



Kennel Cough (CAV2/Parainfluenza) 狗房咳(CAV2)

Usually pup is still bright and alert and eating well.  Transmission from other dogs by inhalation; soft dry cough which can worsen with some watery mucous discharge.  If not treated can develop severe pneumonia with fever which may lead to death.

染病的小狗一般仍會活潑機警,胃口良好.通常經空氣由其他狗隻傳染.病徵包括輕咳嗽,有鼻水或者有鼻涕流出.如果不加治理,會演變成肺炎 發熱,至終可能致命.


Leptospirosis 鉤端螺旋體病

Infection often from contaminated urine.  Sudden onset of fever, jaundice and extreme depression; may show vomiting, thirst and blood stained diarrhoea.  Mucous membranes may have small hemorrhages.

通常由受到有病菌的尿液傳播.受到感染後,會突然發熱 出黃疸和情緒極度低落,有時會有嘔吐,口渴,腹瀉(便中有血).



Rabies 狂犬病

It is a legal requirement for all dogs to be inoculated against rabies as it is a zoonosis, which means it is transmissible to humans.  It is fatal once signs appear.




Heartworm 犬心蟲(心絲蟲)

A parasite that lives inside the dogs blood vessels and heart.  Preventative treatment is available.  For more information go here.

犬心蟲為一種寄生蟲,由蚊蟲傳播,寄居於狗隻的血管和心臟內,有效的預防方法可. 往這裡


19 Oct 10

This is a disease of growing importance for all dog owners in Hong Kong.  Due to the increase mobility of dogs with their owners, especially in a cosmopolitan place such as Hong Kong, the incidence of canine Heartworm disease is on the increase.  All it takes for an infection to occur is the presence of an already infected dog and the transmitter of the disease, the mosquito.

這種致命的病在香港日漸普遍,本地的狗主應該多加注意.在香港這樣的大城市,狗隻經常都要隨著主人搬家,染上這種病的個案日增.  狗隻染上這種病並不困難,只要附近有一隻已經受感染的狗,和有蚊蟲出沒就可以了.

Life Cycle of the Canine Heartworm 犬心蟲的生命循環週期

1. Adult male and female heartworms are usually found in the lung arteries and the right hand side of the heart.  The female will produce first stage larvae or microfilariae into the bloodstream.  These 1st stage microfilariae are ingested by the mosquito when it takes a blood meal.


2. The 1st stage microfilariae will develop into 2nd and then 3rd stage microfilariae in the mosquito within the first 8-17 days.

3. When the mosquito feeds on another dog it will pass the 3rd stage microfilariae into the bloodstream, thereby infecting the new dog.


4. The 3rd stage microfilariae in the dog continues developing for 3-4 months prior to reaching their final destination, the heart.


5. Once in the heart the young heartworms develop into full adults and the females will start producing more infective 1st stage microfilariae in 5-6 months.

5)青年期的犬心蟲一旦抵達狗隻的心臟,即發育成成蟲.五六個月後,雌性犬心蟲會產下第一期的微絲蚴, 這樣又開始另一個感染循環.

Clinical Symptoms 臨床病徵

The earliest signs of canine Heartworm disease include coughing, laboured breathing, weakness and increasing exercise intolerance.  Due to the presence if the adult heartworms in the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries of the heart, there is an increase resistance to the flow of blood, thereby causing the blood pooling in the liver and spleen.  If there is a high count of adult heartworms the dog may develop congestive heart failure.


Diagnosis 診斷

A diagnosis can be based on an examination of blood sample microscopically.  Confirmation is usually done with the use of an antigen test using a fresh blood sample.


Treatment/Prevention 治療

The best treatment is to prevent the infection in the first place. The most common treatments include a monthly oral treatments or yearly injectable treatment. 

最佳的治療方法是預防. 常用的預防方法包括每月一次的口服預防藥物或每年一次的心絲蟲預防針。

If the dog already has an established colony of adult heartworm, treatment can be quite risky, time consuming and relatively expensive.  Treatment involves treatment with drugs which could potentially cause adverse reactions.  Fatalities are possible if the patient is very sick.

如果狗隻體內已有犬心蟲成蟲群,治療的過程就會頗危險,而且需要花上很長的時間,費用很昂貴. 治療犬心蟲用的藥有可能會引起副作用.嚴重染病的狗隻甚至會死亡.

19 Oct 10

In Hong Kong, the answer is Probably!  Everybody’s pet gets them at some time in their lives; it’s a fact of life and has nothing to do with having a dirty flat or being unhygienic.  Look for small insects (1-2mm long) especially around the base of the tail. Often you can see black specks of flea dirt in the coat.  These specks will leave a brown or reddish stain if squeezed on wet tissue.


18 Oct 10

Hong Kong summers can be extremely uncomfortable when humidity levels become very high. Not only unbearable for us, but spare a thought for a shaggy Chow Chow, Pomeranian or fluffy Persian. Not only that, have you seen a dog or cat sweat before?


Actually they do sweat, but it is limited to the underpads of their feet. Sweating is one good way to keep your body temperature under control. As your sweat gets evaporated away it helps to draw the heat away from you. If your sweat glands are only available on your feet it is hardly an efficient way to cool your body down.


Generally dogs and cats will try to cool themselves down by panting. The act of rapidly breathing helps to draw hot air away from them. The movement of air will also help draw the heat from the vascular blood supply of their tongue. This process has it’s limits though. You can only breath rapidly up to a certain rate before your breathing becomes too shallow to be of any use and your excessive muscle movements also contributes to the production of heat as well.


Heat stress comes about when your body is unable to stop the ongoing rise in body temperature. In extreme circumstances organ damage will occur has the body literally begins to burn up. If body temperature rise to 150F or 41C organ damage will lead to organ failure and can be fatal! Annually we will see many cases of heat stress to varying degrees.


The cases that lead to death can be very stressful to deal with for all parties. Seeing the dog or cat suffer is very unpleasant. From this experience prevention is definately a better option over cure. Make every effort to keep the living space for your pet as well ventilated as possible. Do not assume that if your pet is away from the sun, that they are safe from heat stress. A still, non-ventilated room will be very stuffy.


If your pet is active for any reason; perhaps playing or overly excited about something, it’s body temperature can rise very quickly under these conditions. Your pet dog still needs it’s exercise even during the summer months. You must be extra cautious in preventing your dog from over exerting itself.

Try to avoid prolonged outings during the hottest time of the day. Midday is generally not a good time to go out for long runs! Try to arrange early morning or evening walks when the weather has cooled down a little. You may have a dog who happens to be very excited and happy when it comes their daily exercise. They will be very active whether it is a hot or cold day. You need to monitor these dogs very carefully.

如果你的寶貝是一隻十分活潑好動的寵物,體溫很容易會在玩耍或過度激動時迅速上升.當然寵物在夏天裹仍然雖要適量的運動,但作為主人的你,就要特別當心牠們過度活動. 嘗試避免在天氣最熱的時候外出,尤其是中午!試試安排在清晨或夜晚外出,因為室外溫度相對比較涼快,可能你的狗狗每逢出外都會極度興奮,那就要小心留意狗狗的狀況.

If the dog is panting excessively it might be time to settle the dog down. If it is off the lead it would be a good time to put the lead back on so you have better control.


It would be a good idea to carry water with you. A good way to cool down is to have a good drink of water. If the dog is near water it may be a good time for the dog to go for a swim t o cool that body down.


18 Oct 10

旺角綠十字寵物診所 Mong Kok Vet Clinic

星期一,二,四,五  早上 9:00am-11:00am 下午 2:00pm-7:00pm

星期三 早上 12:00pm-1:00pm 下午休息

星期六  早上 9:00am-11:00am 下午 2:00pm-6:00pm

星期日 及 公眾假期  早上11:00am-12:00pm 下午休息

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri      9:00am – 11:00am 2:00pm – 7:00pm

Wed   12:00pm – 1:00pm      Evening session closed

Sat   9:00am -11:00am 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Sun & Public holidays  11:00am – 12:00pm  Afternoon session closed

沙田綠十字寵物診所 Shatin Clinic

星期一,二,四,五  早上 9:00-11:00  下午 3:00-7:00

星期三  早上 9:00- 11:00  下午休息

星期六 早上 9:00-11:00 下午 3:00-6:00

星期日 及 公眾假期   早上 9:00- 10:00  下午休息

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri   9:00am – 11:00am    3:00pm – 7:00pm

Wed   9:00am – 11:00am    Evening session Closed

Sat    9:00am – 11:00am     3:00pm – 6:00pm

Sun & Public Holidays  9:00am – 10:00am    Afternoon session closed